
How Portion Sizes Have Changed Over Time

How Portion Sizes Have Changed Over Time

How much have portion sizes increased? Growing portion sizes are widely considered to be one of many factors contributing to rising obesity rates. As normal portion sizes increase it is...

How Portion Sizes Have Changed Over Time

How much have portion sizes increased? Growing portion sizes are widely considered to be one of many factors contributing to rising obesity rates. As normal portion sizes increase it is...

What is "NEAT"? Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis Explained

What is "NEAT"? Non-Exercise Activity Thermogen...

What is ‘NEAT’? NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This means calories burned through movement outside of structured exercise. For example if you go for a run or a workout,...

What is "NEAT"? Non-Exercise Activity Thermogen...

What is ‘NEAT’? NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This means calories burned through movement outside of structured exercise. For example if you go for a run or a workout,...