Shipping & Returns

Shipping Methods

Free Shipping Tiers:
USA: Over $30
INTL: Over $150 (limited countries)

Domestic Flat Rate - $6.99 USD (9.99 Alaska and HAWAii

Average arrival in 1–4 business days. (except during holidays or sales)

Domestic Flat Rate shipping uses USPS, UPS or FedEx Ground. PEScience is located in Florida so shipping times will vary based on delivery location.

USPS shipping is used for orders with a PO Box, Rural Route, or APO/FPO/DPO address. Orders shipped to a Rural Route will take longer than average to arrive. Orders shipped to an APO/FPO/DPO address may take up to 3 weeks depending on customs.

Additional Methods

PEScience will offer additional shipping methods. These additional methods are offered at our estimated shipping rate, so the customer can use our direct rate for prioritized shipping. These rates are non-negotiable.


PEScience ships Monday through Friday excluding holidays. Our shipping hours are typically 8am – 5pm EST. Our goal each business day is to ship out all orders received before 2pm EST on the same day. Any orders received after 2pm EST or on the weekend will be shipped out the next business day. We will make our best attempt to hit our goal each day, but same day shipping is not guaranteed.

From time to time PEScience will have website sales including insiders and new product releases. During these sale periods the standard shipping times will be delayed due to sales volume. Please be patient during these times, and know that we always work weekends and overtime during sale period to handle the volume as best as possible.


PEScience products have been formulated and produced to the highest quality standards. If you are dissatisfied with the experience you have had, please let us know about it so that we can rectify the situation for you. If you suspect that the quality of the product is not right, please hold on to the product, note the lot number printed on the container and then contact our customer service to let us know about the situation. Depending upon the situation, we will collaborate to find the best solution for you.

To get the best service from our team, email a friendly and polite email to We love helping nice people.

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We will also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (such as receiving an incorrect or defective item, etc.) as long as the items are unopened and we are notified with 30 days of delivery.  All refunds related to qualifying returns that are not a result of our error will have the original Shipping and Handling fee removed from the total refund amount. You will be responsible for return shipping charges back to our facility.

You should expect to receive your refund within two weeks of your package arriving back to PEScience, after the package and its contents have been inspected.

What if I want to return a product that I have already opened?
Opened products are not able to be returned. You may contact customer support to see if a possible exchange or partial store credit is possible for the product being returned. As stated before, a polite email to our team is highly recommended. We like helping friendly customers.

What if I want to change or cancel my order?
Please note that within minutes of placing your order someone from the PEScience team may be picking and packing your order within minutes. In order to change or cancel your order, you must do so before it ships. Contact our customer support as soon as possible. If it is after our phone hours send an email, as we check our email after-hours.

What if my package says it was delivered but the package did not arrive?
PEScience is not responsible for the delivery of the package once the carrier (USPS or FedEx) takes possession of the package. If a package is suspected to be stolen from your doorstep, this needs to be filed with your local authorities and the local mail carrier.

What if I typed the wrong address?
PEScience is not responsible for packages with incorrect address entry and PEScience does not cover re order or re shipping costs for incorrect address entry on orders.

Return Address:
3665 East Bay Dr.
Largo, FL 33771